Your name and role: Ágnes Molnár
teacher of biology and chemistry
School/organization: Eötvös Lorand University Radnóti Miklós Primary and Secondary School
Email (optional):
- Briefly describe the activity you delivered in your classroom, including the ages of children/young people (200 words maximum):
This is a short, 10 minutes activity about climate change for 10 year old pupils. This was a part of a class about climate change. I used it for check the knowledge of students and provide them opportunity to practice. Before this activity we learned about greenhouse effect and climate change. In the activity they worked in groups of 3 people. They got a text (it contained about 10-12 sentences) about the topic, which was previously cut into pieces by me. They have to read them and find the right order of the words, half and whole sentences. They have to know and follow the logic, the connections of the process and the essence of climate change.
- How did the activity addressed climate change? (200 words maximum):
The text, which the students worked with, was a short summary about climate change. If they want to find the right order, they have to know and understand the connections, the steps, the order of the steps, the casual relationships of the process. This is very important, if we want to educate students, who understand that their personal life, and the way of life of mankind how affects the climate.
- What was a success? (You can share small stories, if you like) What was the impact on the pupils/school? (200 words maximum):
Pupils were 10 years old, so they had only little prior knowledge of Physics, Chemistry, Geography. Despite these difficulties they could understand the process and realized their role of global problem.